a.k.a. "The Oscar Messenger"

Archive for February, 2015

Eddie Redmayne as Transgender Lili Elbe

Eddie LiliThe first photo of Oscar Winner Eddie Redmayne as Danish transexual Lili Elbe. The long in development film titled “The Danish Girl” is now in production and shooting in London. The hot, new, Best Actor Winner under the direction of the great Tom Hooper,also an Oscar Winner, may now be heading BACK to the Dolby again as the film is going to be finished and released by the end of this calendar year in time for consideration for Oscars 2016

I gasped when I saw this! Stunning!My heart skipped a beat!

And people have won back-to-back Oscars. Tom Hanks in “Forest Gump” and “Philadelphia”, anyone? And Hanks’s win is another example of a straight actor playing a GLBT character, AND WINNING!

This picture shows Redheads can be devastatingly beautiful/handsome, too! I am starting Eddie for Oscar 2016! The campaign starts NOW!

My hair was/is/has been that color sometimes.

Oscar Winner Eddie Redmayne to Next Play Transgender

Eddie Oscar 1Eddie & Oscar 2Brand-new Oscar Winner Eddie Redmayne hurried right back to London after his Best Actor win on Sunday night to continue rehearsals for his new British film called “The Danish Girl.” And guess what? He’s playing the title role! Yes!

Directed by his ole pal and the man who named me “The Oscar Messenger” Tom Hooper, I can tell you from personal knowledge that Hooper is as dazzled by the Little Golden Guy and his army of Oscars as well say Harvey Weinstein. And me, too, of course. And now, Eddie, who also seems to have captured the Oscar Buzz Bug.

Lili Elbe, who Eddie is playing in “The Danish Girl” was the first ever male-to-female transgender person in 1930. Talk about transformative roles! Eddie is making a career of this. But if ever there was a role that “ticks all the boxes” as Colin Firth said to me when I told him HE was going to win the Oscar for “The King’s Speech.”(And he DID!) It’s Lile Elbe.

And Eddie is trying to lose a massive amount of weight, three stone, which is like 36 pounds to play Lile. That ticks another Oscar box right there.

And Tom Hooper, check (he always has his bar set Oscar-high). British, check. True Life story, check. Period (1930), check. Transformative performance, check.

And Eddie Redmayne, check. Hollywood’s new Golden Boy is going to be transforming himself into a Golden Girl, and guess what, I’m so sure he’s going to be back at the Oscars again next year. Or the year after that with “The Danish Girl.” And if Harvey Weinstein,who is the producer, check. He’s the Oscar Grandmaster, picks this one up, Eddie will be on his way to Oscar Number Two! You heard it here first! He’s the new Daniel Day Lewis! So I see multiple Oscars on his horizon. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer, more down-to-earth guy.

He was so surprised when Cate Blanchett announced his name, I’m sure he thought Michael Keaton or Bradley Cooper was going to win.He won’t be THAT surprised next time around.

You’re the King of the World, Eddie! And he’s also expecting his first child. When straight actors play gay(or transgender) they win. William Hurt, “Kiss of the Spider Woman”, anyone? Phillip Seymour Hoffman in “Capote”, anyone?  Sean Penn as Harvey Milk in “MIlk”….

The precedent is set and the list goes on! Go, Eddie!

One Last Oscar Moment ~ A Dream Comes True for Eddie Redmayne

Eddie & Oscar 1Wow! Just Wow! And congratulations to one of the best young actors in the world! It was such a privilege working with you and getting to know you. Your future is so bright, it’s blinding. Or should I say, dazzling.

And Ladies and Gentle-persons, between Big Time gigs like “Theory of Everything” and “Les Miserables”, Eddie returns to his roots and does Shakespeare in the West End in London.

And this boy never went to Drama School! The nicest and gentlest of gentlemen.

Oscars, in Conclusion…

Oscars 2015It’s been a very long night. My hands have nearly fallen off from typing, or should I say Oscar Blogging? til all hours. It was more fun last year. And my friend, Eddie Redmayne, won. So it was all worth it.

In case you haven’t heard “Birdman” won Best Picture, which I didn’t predict, and it also won Best Director, which I DID predict…and “Boyhood” only won for Best Supporting Actress, Patricia Arquette.

For a complete list of winners go immediately to http://www.awardsdaily.com

I know Sasha was behind “Boyhood,” too, so even though she got to go to the Oscars themselves for the first time in her life tonight, I’m sure she’s very bummed about “Boyhood”s loss.

But Eddie won the miracle win. So yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus, and sometimes things do turn out right. And quality and talent triumphs as it did tonight in the Best Actor category.

And “Grand Budapest Hotel” won FOUR awards, including Alexandre Desplat’s evocative musical score. I think that was as many as (blech) “Birdman” won.

But GOD, was this a lonnnnnng show? One of the longest ever.

And congratulations to Jeffrey Wells at htttp://www.hollywood-elsewhere.com.

He was all about “Birdman” from the minute he saw it at, I think it was Tellluride. He championed it and wrote about INCESSANTLY! It was driving his writing, like the percusssive score was driving “Birdman” the movie. And the character. I bet Jeff feels like HE won an Oscar himself tonight. But for a major Oscar blogger to go after a film and help and espouse it against all odds, initially, and for it to actually win is really, really an important thing for all us other bloggers. Makes them take our writing and our WORK much more seriously. Thank you for that, Jeff.

I wish I had liked “Birdman” more. It was about an actor, and I love actors. Everybody knows that. But I think this film demeaned actors and the theater. And I love the theater. Everybody knows that, too.

*sigh* Well, maybe I’ll see it again someday. But I doubt it.

My heart goes out to Richard Linklater “Boyhood”s visionary director. I can’t imagine how he feels tonight….and Sasha…

But as Scarlett O’Hara said “Tomorrow is another day.”


I’m soooooooooooo happy to be posting this joyous news!!!!Eddie Oscar 1Eddie Redmayne just won the Best Actor Oscar for “The Theory of Everything”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it when I first saw it at TIFF in the gigantic Princess Alexandra Theater in Toronto! I knew! I knew no one could come up this year to beat him! And no one has!

Eddie!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, sir! You really deserved this! Wow! You must be flying over the Hollywood moon tonight! I’m so proud of you!

“Imitation Game” FINALLY wins something! Gay Screenwriter Gives Moving Speech

Imitation Game 1And now, it’s starting to pick up as we are 15 minutes from midnite when I officially turn into a pumpkin!

The two screenwriting awards were just handed out and they are as follows ~

Best Adapted Screenplay:

Graham Moore – The Imitation Game

Best Original Screenplay:

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Nicolas Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris Jr, Armando Bo – Birdman

Thanks to http://www.awardsdaily.com for keeping me on my toes! This is my longest blogging night EVAH!


Lady GaGa Perks Things Up with a Medley From….

This has got to be the longest Oscar on record. It’s 11:31 AM EST. Lady Gaga came out and sang a medley of songs from, wait for it, “The Sound of Music”! Then Julie Andrews came out! And neither of these things has anything to do with this year’s nominated films! WAY TO MAKE A LONG SHOW LONNNNNGER!Zero & Agatha OscarAnd did I mention that “Grand Budapest Hotel” won Best Production Design for Adam Stockhausen and Anna Pinnock? Oh, I did…It’s been a long night.

And btw, Best Documentary went as expected to “Citizen Four” and “Glory” from “Selma” won Best Song. At least “Selma” won SOMEthing!

Uh-Oh! “Whiplash” Wins All Important Best Editing Oscar Over “Boyhood” in an UPSET!

Whiplash 1In one of the biggest upsets (so far) of the night, “Whiplash” is proving to have garnered more love than anyone thought! It just won Best Editing! That’s a VERY important award! It often indicates what film might be the winner! And “Boyhood” with twelve years of footage to edit, I THOUGHT, should be the winner of this. But this is a true upset. It didn’t.

I LOVED “Whiplash” and I’ve been bummed that it hasn’t done better at the Box-Office. Now that’s ALREADY won THREE Oscars tonight, for Best Supporting Actor, Best Sound Mixing(which everyone thought would go to “American Sniper” which got the other sound award Sound Editing) now, hopefully, the crowds will come.

“Whiplash” opened the Sundance Film Festival a YEAR ago January 2014! And it certainly has gone the distance! WOW! Could IT be the surprise winner of the Big O tonight? It IS nominated for Best Picture….

“Grand Budapest Hotel” won Best Production Design, as expected. So now GBH is tied with “Whiplash” for the most Oscars so far. Three each. And “Birdman” has one and “Boyhood” has one.

Another upset occurred in the Best Animated Film category, which I have to admit I have not been following this year as closely as I have in the past. It went in a surprise to “Big Hero 6” and not “How to Train Your Dragon 2″ which everyone thought was going to win after the”Lego Movie” was excluded.Or rather not nominated.

“Interstellar” won,as expected for Best Special Effects.

“Grand Budapest” Wins Two! Best Costumes! Best Hair & Make-Up

Budapest Occar Wins 1The grand “Grand Budapest Hotel” just won two Oscars! And I’m sure it’s going to win twice that! Maybe the most of the evening. It won Best Costumes designed by Milena Cononero (love that name!)

And Best Make-Up and Hairstyling ~Frances Hannon & Mark Coulier. Bravo! Brava!

Tilda Swinton turns up in the middle of the Oscars without even trying to or being there!

And “Ida” the black and white film from Poland won Best Foreign Film. The first time ever, I think for Poland to win one.

Lupita Nyong’o Presents Best Supp. Actor to J.K.Simmons

Lupita Oscars 15The lovely Lupita Nyong’o, last year’s winner for Best Supporting Actress, just presented Best Supporting Actor to J.K.Simmons, who won of course, as all and sundry predicted for the much-loved “Whiplash.”

Lupita looks more classier and majestic than ever in a white-gown that seemed to be made up entirely of pearls! She looked like a huge necklace. A subtle shout-out through-the-ages to the late Josephine Baker. Hmmm? I wonder if Lupita might play that role in a film someday.

The always start off the show with Best Supporting Actor, and it starts it off with a bang. Of course, the wonderful Neil Patrick Harris knocked it out of the ball-park, too, with his salute to “Hollywood’s best and the WHITEST!”

The Eva Duvernay and David Oyelowo snubs have turned into one of the biggest events of Oscars 2015. Possibly, because the rest of The Race seemed soooo predictable. Although, they’ve rumored “surprises.” One hopes so, as I’ve said.

But isn’t everyone getting a little sick of J.K.Simmons at this point? But then he totally redeemed himself with a very touching tribute to his wife and his children. And to parents every where.

He told everyone to call their mother or father, “if they are still on this planet.” Mine aren’t. I ended up being very moved. I could see Lupita, in a side shot, was crying.

Motherhood, fatherhood, parents, children. Is this going to be the theme of the night? Is J.K. trying to tell us something? Well, clearly he is. I mean about the Best Picture winner tonight…?